
Gardener's Handsoap

Spring arrives this Friday! So, that means it's time to clean up our gardens and start planting some cool weather flowers like Pansy's!  I actually started working in my backyard last week with raking leaves that were left behind from last fall.  I am looking forward to our Apple trees blooming, not only for the lovely blooms, but for the privacy it gives us while we enjoy our backyard.

Just as I have started gardening, I have also started making my special soap.  This melt-n-pour soap is super easy to make.  The soap is excellent at exfoliating; the coffee and herbs deep clean your skin gently but thoroughly.  

Make some soap for you and give some to your fellow gardeners.  They'll dig you for it!


8 oz vegan soap, grated - I use Dr. Bronners
2 T organic ground coffee 
1/2 cup organic dried herbs - rosemary and thyme 


You will need 1-2 soap molds. I use plastic molds that you can purchase from craft stores. The molds come in many shapes and sizes.

Melt the grated soap over medium heat in a double boiler.  Stir in ground coffee and herbs.

Pour soap into molds, fill each mold all the way to the top.

Leave soap to harden; should take a couple of hours.  Pop out each soap.  If the soap won't come out, you can place the mold in the freezer for a few minutes, this will help the soap to loosen and pop out.

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