
Neem and Citronella Soap

This soap is suitable for both human and dog.  Fleas, ticks, and mosquitos don't discriminate.
The citronella, eucalyptus, and neem oils are excellent for repelling pesky insects.

This is a whipped soap; you can spoon the soap into molds or hand mold into balls.  The soap mixture will harden fairly quickly, so fill your prepared molds as soon as the soap has been mixed with an electric beater.  I prefer molding the soap with my hands. To do this, let the soap mixture sit in the bowl for 5-10 minutes to let it harden, then shape into balls.

I have used this soap on my furry family member for years.  It truly works, leaving Kipper's coat shiny and soft also.

Make a few and give as gifts to all furry friends; hey'll lick you for it!  Or, give to any outdoor enthusiast for a bug-free outdoor adventure.

**Caution: do not use on human or dog if they have irritated skin, or open sores; keep away from eyes and mouth.**


1 cup grated Castile Soap
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon organic Neem Oil
10 drops organic Citronella Oil
5 drops organic Eucalyptus Oil

Melt grated soap and water.  Once melted, pour into a large bowl.  Add oils and mix with an electric mixer for 3-5 minutes.  The mixture should become very foamy.

Spoon soap into molds or let sit to harden and shape into balls; place soap balls onto plastic wrap and leave to harden.

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