
Lavender Extract

Lavender extract is extraordinary when used in making chocolate desserts and it absolutely sings when used in fruit pies or is sparingly poured over fresh peaches.  Lavender extract should be used in small amounts because of its intense flavor.

If you don't grow lavender in your garden, check your farmer markets. Though, I do suggest using organic lavender.


1 sterile glass jar with a secure lid
2 cups organic vegan vodka
1/2 cup lavender flowers


Place flowers into the glass jar, pour in the vodka, and place cap on securely.  Place jar in a cool dark place for 1 month.  Swirl the mixture around every few days.

After 1 month, strain the extract through a sieve. Using a wooden spoon, gently press on the flowers to extract the trapped liquid.

Put the discarded flowers down your garbage disposal and run for a few seconds.  This will clean your disposal, and your sink will smell lovely.

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